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      1. 員工關懷:我們致力于提供一個安全、健康的工作環境,尊重員工的權利和福祉,確保所有員工都受到公平對待。

      2. 環境保護:我們重視環境保護,努力減少生產過程中的環境影響,采用可持續的資源和能源。

      3. 供應鏈管理:我們與供應商密切合作,確保整個供應鏈的透明度和道德標準,鼓勵合作伙伴采納可持續實踐。

      4. 社區貢獻:我們積極參與社區服務和慈善活動,致力于改善我們所在社區的生活質量。






Dedicated to Social Responsibility, Creating a Sustainable Future Together

Shandong Santao Food Co., Ltd. commits to actively fulfilling social responsibilities, adhering to the concept of sustainable development, and striving to create more value for society. We firmly believe that the success of a company is not only reflected in economic gains but more importantly, in its performance in social responsibility and ethical standards.

As a forward-thinking food enterprise, we continuously pursue excellence in global business ethics and social responsibility. We are proud to announce that, through relentless efforts, Shandong Santao Food Co., Ltd. has successfully passed the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) audit and received the corresponding report. This is not only a recognition of our corporate social responsibility practices but also an affirmation of our long-term commitment to improving the working environment, respecting employee rights, and enhancing production transparency.

Our social responsibility practices mainly include the following aspects:

1. Employee Care: We are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy work environment, respecting the rights and welfare of employees, ensuring that all employees are treated fairly.

2. Environmental Protection: We value environmental protection and strive to reduce the environmental impact of production processes by using sustainable resources and energy.

3. Supply Chain Management: We work closely with suppliers to ensure transparency and ethical standards throughout the supply chain and encourage our partners to adopt sustainable practices.

4. Community Contribution: We actively participate in community service and charity activities, committed to improving the quality of life in our communities.

Through these practices, Shandong Santao Food Co., Ltd. not only strengthens its competitiveness but also contributes to the sustainable development of society. We look forward to continuing to promote the practice of social responsibility in the future and working together with all stakeholders to create a better future.

山東三濤食品有限公司 電話:86-0536-4561755/傳真:86-0536-4571168
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